作为第一作者,共发表学术论文18篇,英文SCI/EI索引论文9篇(1区-Top 期刊1篇,2区5篇),代表作如下:
[1]Si/C Composites as Negative Electrode for High Energy Lithium Ion Batteries. Chinese Journal of Chemistry. 2017, 35(1): 21-29. (IF= 1.872)
[2]Rapid hydrothermal synthesis of Li3VO4 with different favored facets. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2016:1-7.(2区 IF= 2.327)
[3]Preparation of nanographite sheets supported Si nanoparticles by in situ reduction of fumed SiO2 with magnesium for lithium ion battery. Journal of power sources. 2015, 281:425-431. (1区 IF= 6.333)
[4]Preparation and characterization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with nickel-phosphorous layers of high magnetic properties. Materials Research Bulletin. 2012, 47: 3743-3746. (2区 IF=2.435)
[5]Preparation and characterization of high electrically conductive polypyrrole/nickel plating graphite nanosheets composites. Synthetic Metals. 2012, 162: 1386-1391. (2区 IF= 2.299)