1. 项目
1) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,61402235,联合正则化滤波器与t分布混合模型的高分遥感图像复原研究,2015/01-2017/12, 在研,主持。
2) 中国空间技术研究院CAST创新基金,CAST201302, 遥感系统二维优化采样理论研究,2013/01-2013/12,,已结题,主持。
3) 江苏省基础研究计划(自然科学基金面上项目),BK2011825, 优化自适应倒易晶胞提高单幅遥感图像分辨率研究,2011/07 - 2014/07,已结题,主持。
2. 主要期刊论文
[J18] Zheng Yuhui, Jeon Byeungwoo, Zhang Jianwei and Chen Yunjie. Adaptively determining Regularization Parametrs in Nonlocal Total Variation Regularization for Image Denoising. IET Electronics Letters, 51(2),2015.
[J17] Zheng Yuhui, Jeon Byeungwoo, Xu Danhua, Wu Q.M. Jonathan and Zhang Hui. Image Segmentation by generalized hierarchical fuzzy c-means algorithm. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 28(2),2015.
[J16] Jianwei Zhang, Qiqiong Yu, Yuhui Zheng, et al. Regularization parameter selection for TV image denoising Using spatially adaptive Local Spectral Response. Journal of International Technology, accepted, 2016.
[J15] Yunjie Chen, Jian Li, Hui Zhang, Yuhui Zheng, et al. Non-Local based Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Fuzzy c-means method for brain MRI Segmentation. IET Image Processing, accepted, 2016.