三元图(Ternary plot)是描述三个变量之和为常数的质心图,其核心原理是:
if (!requireNamespace("ggtern", quietly=T))install.packages("ggtern")
data <- data.frame(value=c(10, 30, 50, 70, 100),
x=c(90, 70, 50, 30 ,10),
y= c(10, 30, 50, 70, 90),
z=rep(0, 5))
lables <- data.frame(value=c(10, 30, 50, 70, 90),
x=rep(0.5, 5),
y=c(0.2, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 0.8))
p=p + geom_crosshair_tern() + geom_mask() +
geom_text_viewport(x=lables$x, y=lables$y, label=lables$value, color='red') +
# 保存位图和矢量图,分别用于预览和排版
ggsave(paste0("b1.TenaryPlot.png"), p, width=89, height=89, units="mm")
ggsave(paste0("b1.TenaryPlot.pdf"), p, width=89, height=89, units="mm")
图1. 在y组中的占比逐渐增长
在解读三元图时,我们可以通过点的位置快速获得其在三个分组中的相对比例信息:目标点越靠近一角的顶点,说明他在相应的分组中比例越高;反之其相对比例就越低。根据图1,经过点的平行线在等边三角形两边的截距代表该点在对应顶点分组的占比,因此可以得出该点的在三个分组中的占比情况。如图2:过绿色点分别向三条边做平行线,然后按逆时针方向依次读取平行线在三条边的截距约为(0.33, 0.33, 0.33),因此该点在x, y, z 三个组分中的占比为0.33, 0.33, 0.33;依此原则可得出,红点占比为0.1,0.2,0.7;蓝点占比为0.2,0.7,0.1;该结果跟我们的作图代码是相符的。
data <- data.frame( x=c(0.33, 1, 2),y=c(0.33, 2, 7),
z=c(0.33, 7, 1))
p = ggtern(data, aes(x=x, y=y, z=z)) +
geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.7, color=c("green", "red", 'navy')) +
geom_mask() +
annotate(geom ='text',
x =c(0.33, 1, 2),
y =c(0.33, 2, 7),
z =c(0.33, 7, 1),
vjust=c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
angle=c(0, 30, 60),
label=c("(0.33, 0.33, 0.33)", "(0.1, 0.2, 0.7)", "(0.2, 0.7, 0.1)" ),
color=c("green", "red", 'navy')) +
theme_rgbw() + geom_crosshair_tern(size=1)
pggsave(paste0("b2.TenaryPlot.png"), p, width=89, height=89, units="mm")
ggsave(paste0("b2.TenaryPlot.pdf"), p, width=89, height=89, units="mm")
图2. 各点在x, y, z中的占比
实例解读三元图的应用有非常大的局限性,就是必须有3个实验组。只有两组的课题就不要考虑此类图型的应用了。值得一提的是,实验设计3组也是有着最高性价比和最广泛的应用,因为2组只有1种比较组合,而3组仅成本上升50%,却有3种比较组合,结果的图表量瞬间上升为3倍,性价比极高。而3组以上组合太多,反而不利于作者把故事讲清楚,读者阅读和理解也存在一定困难。因此强烈推荐在尽量可能的情况下,设计为3组起的实验,可以有更多的分析和讨论空间,也可以应用有监督的排序分析、三元图等常用结果样式。下面分别选取来自Frontier in Microbiology、PNAS和Nature Communications杂志中近年的三元图结果进行解读和点评。
例1. 三元图门着色+堆叠柱状图本例2017年发表于自Frontiers in Microbiology文章的图4,描述了植物从三个北高寒带气候区的共同核心类群中组装特定物种的细菌群落(Kumar et al., 2017)。

图3. 三元图展示OTUs的空间特异性
Distribution of OTUs and phyla across different compartments. (A) Ternary plot of all OTUs plotted based on the compartment (Bulk soil, Rhizosphere soil, Endosphere) specificity. Each circle represents one OTU. The size, color and position of each OTU represents it relative abundance, bacterial phyla and affiliation of the OTU with different compartments, respectively.
Bacterial community structures were clearly different in the different compartments at the phylum level. These differences were mainly driven by strong relative enrichment of Firmicutes in the endosphere-derived sequence data sets, compared to their very low abundances in the bulk and rhizosphere soils. The relative abundances of Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes increased progressively from bulk to rhizosphere soil to the endosphere, with a concomitant decrease in those of candidate division AD3, Gemmatimonadetes and Chloroflexi, which collectively constituted <4% of endosphere communities.
例2. 三元图展示各种特异+箱线图本例选自2016年发表于PNAS杂志上一文的图4(Zgadzaj et al., 2016),介绍了豆科模式植物百脉根的结瘤突变体中根际微生物组变化的研究。

图4. 三元图展示不同取样部位中特异富集的OTUs
土壤=土色, 根际土=橘黄色,根系=绿色,灰色=两两比较中未全部显著富集的(均未富集,只相对其中一个分组富集)。
Ternary plots depicting compartment RA of all OTUs (>5 ‰) for WT SampleID (A; WT; n=73) and mutant SampleID (B; nfr5-2, nfr5-3, nin-2, and lhk1-1; n=118) across three soil batches (CAS8–CAS10). Each point corresponds to an OTU. Its position represents its RA with respect to each compartment, and its size represents the average across all three compartments. Colored circles represent OTUs enriched in one compartment compared with the others (green in root, orange in rhizosphere, and brown in root SampleID). Aggregated RAs of each group of enriched OTUs (root-, rhizosphere- and soil-enriched OTUs) in each compartment for the WT SampleID (C; WT; n=73) and mutant SampleID (D; nfr5-2, nfr5-3, nin-2, lhk1-1; n=118) are shown. In each compartment, the difference from 100% RA is explained by OTUs that are not significantly enriched in a specific compartment.
例3. 三元图分区+堆叠柱状图图5. 土壤、叶片和毛虫共享的微生物。
a. 在土壤,食用离体叶片,食用植株的毛虫中共有OTU的分布。
b. 在植物,食用离体叶片,食用植株的毛虫中共有OTU的分布。
c. 食用离体叶片毛虫和植株毛虫肠道共有和特有OTU的数量。图中颜色含义和a,b图中的一致。
a,b 三元图中符号代表一个OTU,细菌使用圆形表示,真菌使用三角形表示。使用OTU为在每组样品中出现频率超过10%的OTU。符号的大小代表了每个OTU的平均相对丰度,颜色代表该OTU主要的来源区域。绿色代表该OTU超过50%来源于叶片,棕色代表该OTU丰度超过50%来自毛虫肠道(在离体叶片上的毛虫颜色为浅棕色,在植株上生长的毛虫颜色为深棕色)。黑色代表OTU在土壤中丰度超过50%,灰色代表OTU在根系中丰度超过50%。灰色的符号代表在全部区域都存在的OTU。每个符号的位置代表该OTU出现在不同样品中的丰度比例。50%的线编号为0-9,详见图例说明具体的分区。
Fig. 2 Bacterial and fungal OTUs shared among caterpillars, plants and soil. a, b Ternary plots of OTUs found in caterpillars. Each symbol represents a single OTU; circles represent bacterial OTUs and triangles fungal OTUs. Only OTUs found in at least 10% of the samples are included in the figure. The size of each symbol represents its relative abundance (weighted average) and its color the compartment where it is primary found. Green depicts OTUs found >50% in leaves, brown depicts OTUs found >50% in caterpillars (dark brown OTUs in caterpillars on intact plants and light brown on detached leaves), black depicts OTUs found >50% in soil, grey OTUs found >50% in roots. Grey symbols represent general OTUs found in all compartments. The position of each symbol represents the contribution of the indicated compartments to the total relative abundance. The 50% lines are drawn in the figure and most important compartments are marked with numbers (0–9). a Depicts OTUs shared between soil (right side), caterpillars on intact plants (top) and caterpillars on detached leaves (left) and b depicts OTUs shared between plants (right), caterpillars on intact plants (top) and caterpillars on detached leaves (left). c The total number of unique and shared OTUs of caterpillars on intact plants and caterpillars on detached leaves. Both fungi and bacteria are included in the figure and their identity on the phylum/class level. The color of the compartment where the OTUs are predominantly found and the corresponding region in panel a and b is also shown.
两种喂养方式毛虫共有的核心微生物群落也存在于植株根系(19.1%)和叶片(20.3%)中 (图2a–c),同时也有特有的微生物群,大约16.7%微生物仅仅发现在毛虫中。毛虫核心微生物群组成细菌主要有变形菌门、放线菌门和厚壁菌门,真菌为未注释的OTU。值得注意的是以完整植株为食的毛虫大部分OTU也存在与土壤中(75%)。以完整植株为食的毛虫中有超过离体叶片为食的毛虫三倍的OTU数量。
Caterpillars fed on intact plants and detached leaves shared a common core microbiome which was also present in the leaves (20.3% of their microbiome) and in the roots (19.1%) (Fig. 2a–c), but also harbored unique microbes; 16.7% of the caterpillar microbiome was found only in caterpillars. This core microbiome of caterpillars consisted predominantly of Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, and unclassified fungi (Supplementary Figs 6, 7). Remarkably, for caterpillars fed on intact plants, a large proportion of the OTUs found in caterpillars, was also detected in the soil (75%; represented as numbers 1 and 4 in Fig. 2a). Microbiomes of caterpillars fed detached leaves had virtually no additional OTUs that were not also found in caterpillars kept on intact plants (Fig. 2c), but the microbiomes of the latter contained three times more OTUs.